ZipCode Wellness


Five Quick Steps To Get You Using Your Values...

Knowing your values is so important for your happiness, motivation and achievements through life...


The big question is "How to use them?"


Lets get started...


Step 1: 


Define your values.

What does the word you chose from the values list mean for you?  There are many interpretations of the same word so don’t think about the dictionary meaning, or what it might mean to your family, spouse or children.  What does it mean for you?  Write down your definition of the value.


Step 2: 


How does it show up for you?

Try completing this sentence for each of the values you have chosen:


___________ is my value because I can be seen (doing, having, being …) .


Draw on real examples that bring the value to life.  What do others see when you are living this value?  How do you feel when you are living the value?  What are you doing?  Reflect deeply and be honest.  There...

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What Is Your Mantra?

Change your thoughts, change your world

Norman Vincent Peale, Author of The Power of Positive Thinking


Our self-talk is a powerful persuader.  Self-talk can convince you to reach for the stars or reach for the snooze button!  When you’ve set your goals, what is going to get you up out of bed, motivated and pumped to dive headfirst into the actions you need to take to achieve them? 



A mantra is a powerful statement that reminds you of your goals, where you want to go and who you want to be.  It can be the circuit breaker, the friendly reminder or the kick up the backside (!) that youneed to keep on-track.  



Let’s break down the 5-steps to developing your mantra:   


Step 1:  


What is your mantra for?  Which goals?  

You can have as many mantras as you like but the more you want to achieve a goal, the more powerful the mantra should...

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A Letter From Your Future


Writing your Letter FROM the Future


Writing a vision of yourself…


In Grant and Greene’s Coach Yourself (2002), the authors suggest writing a letter from your future self to help you decide what’s most important to you and what to focus on.  Simply pick a time in the future … as little as three months ahead or as long as three years ahead! 


Now, place yourself on that day, in that time, and imagine you have succeeded, and everything in your life had gone the way you wanted.  Reflect on what has happened during that time.  What did you do?  How do you feel?  What were the keys to your success?  How did others help you?


There is no one right way to write this letter – this letter is to you, from your future self.  Stuck for inspiration?  Try starting your letter like this: 


Dear Me,


It is <select day in the future> and I’ve woken up in a...

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Derailers and Watchouts


Derailers and Watchouts .. Watch out for what exactly?

As you begin your journey at ZipCode Wellness, we ask you to take some time identifying and reflecting on your values and your character strengths. 


Why?  Because YOU need to know what makes YOU motivated.  Why are you embarking on this wellness journey?  What will keep you motivated on days where you’re not?  What strengths will you draw upon to smash your goals? 


We adopt an holistic approach to your wellness - exercise, nutrition and doing these activities that enhance your psychological wellness. 


We are not psychologists (please let us know if you’re feeling anxious or depressed consistently and we can chat about further help) but we are coaches who believe in building flourishing individuals and flourishing communities.


In your “Flourishing Me” download, you will see a section for Derailers and Watch-outs.  This is the...

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Character Strengths



Most people find it difficult to identify their own strengths but can easily tell you what they’re not so good at!  Using a strengths assessment can help you identify what contributes to you being at your best.  There are a number of different strengths assessments on the market these days, but we find the assessment on character strengths most beneficial. 

 So what are character strengths?

Character Strengths are the positive parts of your personality that impact how you think, feel and behave...

Character strengths help you create an awareness of what’s best about you (and others) and encourage you to embrace them and use them regularly.  With this awareness, you will be better positioned to build positive relationships, discover deeper happiness, and achieve your life goals  

Given ZipCode Wellness focuses on your entire person (and not just what you eat and how you exercise), we know that knowing your...

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Why is identifying your values so important?

Before you sign-up for Zipcode Wellness, we ask you to take some time reflecting on what makes you, you!  The unique, wonderful, fantastic you!  Whatever the reason you signed up with us, we want to tap into your inner (or intrinsic) motivation to help you achieve your goals. 


The first step in doing that is to identify (or if you’ve already done it, revisit) your values.  Values are what are most important to you and knowing why you’re investing in our program, is a key part of your success roadmap.  Values help us make decisions, take actions and move towards the life we want to live.  They are your true north, your compass, that keeps you headed in the direction you want to go. 


So the more your goals are linked to your values – why they’re important and how will it impact your life - more you will be focused on strategies to achieve your goals with us. 



When (not if) your motivation...

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Please check your email spam if your coupon does not show up. Receive $100 off of our 4 Week Wellbeing Program...

Measure Matter Motivate